America’s Fitness Gurus Got Us Here…
The U.S. has been in a fitness craze for over 80 years. Fitness gurus like Jack LaLanne and Jane Fonda got us off our couches and motivated us to move our bodies in front of TV sets for decades.
For the past 40 years, gym memberships have gone up exponentially year over year, reinforcing both positive and negative stereotypes.
Fast forward another 20 years and you’ll find that excessive workouts without knowing our bodies has resulted in chiropractic and emergency hospital visits with torn ligaments and pulled muscles due to extreme exercises performed in positions that are harmful to our bodies. We also take a hit mentally and emotionally when it comes to self-esteem. We tend to hurt ourselves in the process of trying to help ourselves.
Know Yourself… First
Outside of putting undue stress on our bodies, some individuals feel that they can’t start a vigorous exercise program because of difficulties beyond their control, like an autoimmune condition that makes keeping a steady workout schedule complicated.
Your body wants to stay in motion. With the proper amount of rest and body conditioning, you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish with your body.
Since motivation, time and flexibility are the key factors to a successful workout routine, it’s best to have a workout coach that not only motivates you but has worked through their own issues of having a body that seems to fight the idea of keeping a continuous workout schedule.
Renate Woolsey, who coaches clients in the greater Orlando area, has created a one-on-one relationship with her clients to help them create workout routines that fit their goals. She also takes care to make sure they are performing their workouts properly so they minimize the risk of hurting themselves while they sculpt a lean muscular body.
If you ask Renate, she’ll say she is more of an anti-stress workout guru. She doesn’t believe that enduring pain should be worn as a medal of honor but as a measurement to see if you are properly doing a particular exercise and how much stress within your workout you should take on.
Turn A Workout Routine Into A Hard To Change Habit
Breaking through a barrier of discomfort can be good for the body but risking an accident for quick and minimal gains is not what she wants for her clients.
“Yes, consistency is the goal but punishing your body for short-term gains will result in plateauing way too soon”, Renate explains. “When you have a routine that fits your goals and allows flexibility when your schedule abruptly changes, you tend to stick with it. It becomes more of a conditioned habit and not a burden one has to do”, she continues.
This is why Renate is so sympathetic to the challenges one faces trying to stick to a workout routine. At times, she has to deal with issues within her own body, learning how to stay flexible while dealing with an autoimmune condition that causes thyroid issues. “It can be stressful at times but I learn to live with it and appreciate what I can do. I can easily outwork the ‘gym bros’ but that’s not my goal. I just want to stay fit and healthy and be an example to my clientele.
You can find Renate’s article in the new Gold Season Edition of GameTime Magazine

Renate loves to add cardio that’s fun and sometimes silly to break up the monotony of a strict workout. I’m looking forward to seeing her grow as her clients learn more about themselves.