From Medals to Mindset: How My Athletic Journey Transformed My Purpose in Life

3 min read

Justyce Berry’s Journey

GameTime Magazine’s Deep Dive Podcast… Justyce Berry’s Journey

Normally I would show this new profile as an interview but I thought it was important to let Justyce Berry tell his own story as he told me. “Reflecting on my journey feels like stepping into a room full of memories, each one contributing to the person I am today. From the time I was four years old, I knew sports would be a part of my life. I didn’t just play them—I lived them. Football, lacrosse, track—each one taught me the meaning of discipline, hard work, and most importantly, resilience.

My time as an athlete was a rollercoaster of triumphs and challenges. I remember the pride of competing at the Junior Olympics and earning 64 medals. It was one of those moments where I felt unstoppable, like my body was a well-oiled machine, capable of anything. But sports also taught me that life can throw you curveballs. An injury forced me to step away from playing, and while that reality stung, it also led me down a new path—personal training. Through this, I found a way to stay connected to the world of athletics while helping others discover their potential. It was my way of turning a setback into a comeback.

The turning point in my journey, however, came from a deeper, more personal place. Watching my grandmother suffer after her pelvis injury was one of the hardest things I’ve ever experienced. She went from being this vibrant, active person to bedridden. It broke my heart, but it also lit a fire in me to make sure I could help people avoid that kind of suffering. That’s what drives me every day. I don’t just want to build strong bodies; I want to build resilient minds and spirits.

Growing up, I idolized my mother. Her work ethic was unmatched. She always found a way to make things happen for our family, even if it meant we didn’t see her as often as we’d like. She instilled in me a sense of perseverance and determination. That same drive is what fuels me today as I work toward achieving my pro card in bodybuilding and expanding my fitness brand, FittB0yz. I want to create something bigger than myself—a community where people not only push their physical limits but also support each other in their personal journeys.

Of course, my journey hasn’t been without mistakes. I’ve learned the hard way that sometimes, I didn’t push myself as hard as I could have. But those moments of regret have turned into lessons. Now, I know that you can’t hold back if you want to reach your full potential. You have to give it your all, every single time.

Through social media, I share my authentic self, my highs and lows, and I’ve found that connecting with people on that real level is what matters most. Whether it’s through my fitness transformations or my behavioral therapy work, I aim to inspire others to reflect on their own journeys and realize that setbacks are just setups for a stronger future.

If there’s one thing I’d tell anyone starting out, it’s this: work hard and never give up. You may stumble, you may fall, but as long as you keep moving forward, you’re always on the path to something great. And remember, your journey is uniquely yours. Reflect on it, learn from it, and use it to forge a new path—because that’s where real success lies.”

Armand Lucas

Armand writes for GameTime and Millennial Entrepreneur magazines and loves to travel to sporting events around the world, especially to see and participate in sports most Americans have never heard of.

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